Monday, August 29, 2011

Wyatt's First Day of PreSchool

I don't have a picture, but I do have to share.  Wyatt was so upset that I had to go to school WITH him today. 

"Can't I just go on the bus today mom?" 
"No Wyatt.  This is what your teacher's want us to do.  Some kids are a little nervous."
 "I'm not nervous mom." 
"Can't you just drop me off mom?" 
"No Wyatt.  Your teacher's want me to go with you today.  Tomorrow I will just drop you off." 
After school... "Tomorrow NO PARENTS MOM!  I'm going by myself!  I'm a big boy now!" 
"Trust me Wyatt, if they would let me you'd be going by yourself for a full day on the bus.  Not a problem." 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My first visit to the grocery store by myself with all 4 kids.  To sum it up in a phrase "We survived . . . barely".  There was a lot of tears from Collin, whining from Ben strapped into the car, arms flying out of the cart from Wyatt and Riley pushing the cart - into things.  All in all I would call it a success, since we got everything that we needed and are all home now.