RIP Kujo Ehlert - Cappert Oct, 1999 - Oct 27,2011
My dad, Alex and I used to live in a farm house together (A.K.A. The Frat House). We had some great times there, but the house really left much to be desired. If this gives you any clue - We lived there for 2 years and I never once set foot in the basement. Some people may say that's weird, but I say it was creepy. Our first winter we found out that we really did live on a farm (even though it's in the middle of Grayslake). We had mice. Not just a few mice, but we were catching a mouse an hour. Our house wasn't dirty, it just had that many cracks for the critters to get in and we lived amongst corn fields. It got cold and they looking for somewhere to live. Our house was it. Mouse traps weren't cutting it, so we decided to get a cat.
Alex and I went to PetsMart and picked out 2 very cute cats. We had to fill out paperwork before we could take them home. "Do you own or rent?" - Rent. So they went to our crazy, 40/50 something, hairplug wearin', spying on his ex-wife, convertable driving landlord. He said no. We were floored! The house came with a cat! It literally had a litter box in the basement (so I was told). The cat that came with the house lived outside. Alex named her Bitcher because he mistook her meowing for whining. (As you can see we don't know a lot about animals. Never really had any growing up.) So now what?? All these mice and no cat to catch them. That's where Alex's friend Alec comes into the story.
Alex and Alec worked at the gun club. Crazy ass place to work! One day they were out there and Alec found Kujo in the middle of the sporting clay field. It was October of 1999. She was so little, cold, and starving. Alec put her in a box and gave her to Alex because he knew we where looking for a cat. She was magnificent! After she came to live with us we never saw a mouse again, and after Alex and I left with Kujo my dad said the mice took over again. So I guess there really is something to the old saying, "When the cat's away the mice will play."
Kujo came to live with us here. Alex and I always had a thing going as to who's cat she actually was because when he moved out he left her here. As you can see I always said she was his cat. His friend gave her to him. He said she was "our" cat.
She lived a good life here. Once the kids were old enough to chase after her she never really fancied any of them. She would come out after the kids went to bed looking for attention. Nobody really knew we had a cat when they came over because she was always in a closet hiding.
Last night Jason and I started talking and realized neither of us had fed her in about 3 days, but there was still food in her dish. So we decided to take her to the vet today. It turns out that she had a heart condition. Even if we treated her for it, she would have only had another 6 months max. Jason made the hard call. Thankfully Alex and my dad were there with him. Once everything was done Jason called me and I told the kids while he was on his way home. They didn't understand at first that she wasn't coming home. "Why?" Riley asked me, "Is it because I fed her to much food?" Wyatt just kept crying for Kujo to come home. First they wanted to pray for her and then they decided that we need a new pet. A cat or dog they'll be ok with. Definately no to a dog, but we'll see how persistant they are about a cat. I'm not ready to jump back into that, but if it means that much to them we will think about it. I gave the kids a piece of candy to distract and comfort them before Jason came home. It worked. Then when Jason came home and they saw how upset he was they said, "Maybe daddy needs a pumpking candy too?" Daddy came home with a case of beer. He had his own medicine. Jason was sitting in the recliner crying with Ben on his lap. Ben looked at his daddy with tears running down his face, pointed to the tears, and said, "Uh - Ohh" and then gave his daddy a big hug. That's exactly what he needed.
I may not be a pet person, but if I had to have one, she's the one to have. She was good natured, loving, and never caused anyone any heart ache. She let the kids hold, pull, push, cradle and what ever else they did to her. She just waited for her moment to leave and ran when she had the opportunity. Never once did she hiss, scratch, or bite anyone out of malice. Rest in peace old friend.