Monday, September 26, 2011

The Bewitching Hour

So at our house we refer to dinner time as "the bewitching hour".  It's starts around 4 and doesn't end until around 6.  (Yes I realize this is actually 2 hours, not just one.)  This is the time when all hell breaks loose each and every day without fail. 

Today Wyatt had his first homework assignment.  So he gets home from school and wants to relax and watch a little TV.  (This was my first mistake.)  "Ok. But when that's over you need to do your homework."  So around 4pm we start his homework.  He fake cries through almost the whole thing.  The only time he doesn't is when he's bouncing his ball and catching it.  (Yes - This is homework..?.?.) 

Then there's Riley who is sitting next to him trying to do his homework for him.  "Here Wyatt, do you want me to just do it for you?" 

We can't forget about Ben who is suddenly starving.  So we get him a yogurt.  To stop Riley from doing Wyatt's homework I ask her to help Ben eat his yogurt.  WELL....  We all get distracted helping Wyatt with his homework and look over at Ben who is drinking his yogurt.  He's got it all over his face, pajamas, and highchair.

Of course we can't ignore poor Collin who is laying on the floor in the living room crying because he wants mom's attention too.   I help Wyatt finish his homework, clean Ben up, and go to the living room.  Great!  Collin stinks.  Grab a diaper and the wipes.  Lay him on the living room floor.  (Yes that's right - the floor.  By the fourth kid you don't even have a changing table anymore.  Where ever you can catch them and get them to lay down is where you change them.)  Open up the diaper and that's when the Ass-splotion starts.  He's like a frikin' Play-Doh machine.  It just keeps coming and coming.  "RILEY - GET ME ANOTHER DIAPER.  HELP. HELP."  "GET ME THE FLOOR CLEANER.  THERE'S POOP ON THE FLOOR.  HELP. HELP."  Poop is everywhere.  He finally stops so I can clean him up and the floor.  I feed him a little more bottle and he goes right to sleep.  Eat, Sleep, and Poop.  That really is all they do.

I make dinner and as I'm calling the kids Riley comes in crying with her tongue bleeding.  What the heck!  She bit her tongue or something and now can't eat.  Really?!?!  Now she would would like a nice hot bath to relax in so she can soak her tongue.  Whatever... 

By now it's past 6pm.  The bewitching hour is over.  Thank God!  Not sure how much more I can take.  Let's put these kids to bed and call it a night!!!

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