Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Power of Prayer

For those of you who think we have it all together around here, your wrong.  From time to time we have some rough days.  Monday was one of those days.  I was home with the kids from 8am to 9pm by myself.  Typical for a Monday because this is one of Jason's long days.  I was able to get the bigs off to school, but the littles just wouldn't stop.  (BTW: "The Littles" are Ben and Collin and "The Bigs" are Riley and Wyatt.  This is how I refer to my children.)  Both boys were sick with colds and just wanted all my attention.  They were whining, crying, and just wanted to be held all day long.  My arms ached as if I had been lifting weights.  I was still in my pajamas.  My hair wasn't combed and my teeth were not brushed.  Around 1pm I lost it.  Collin was in his jumper crying and Ben was following me everywhere with his hands in the air whining "Mama" over and over and over again.  I was done - So I locked myself in my bedroom away from the boys.  I just needed it to stop for a little bit.  I sat on my bedroom floor in tears begging God to make it stop.  Please fix them.  I just wasn't sure how I was going to make it through the rest of the day with any shred of sanity left.  If this continued Jason would come home to kids crying, hanging from the lights, and me rocking in the fetal position in some corner of the house. 

God heard me.  I calmed myself down and went out of the bedroom.  Collin was still crying, but Ben was sitting in a chair quietly looking out the window.  I went to go and make Collin a bottle, look in the door of the refrigerator and there is a bottle of Gripe Water with just enough left for 1 bottle.  Now I'm not saying that God put the bottle in my fridge while I was crying in my bedroom, but my eyes were open to it.  It had to be sitting in there for a month.  It was in the top right corner of the door right next to the butter.  Whose doesn't use their butter almost every day?  And yet I never noticed it there.  After he drank just half the bottle it was like we had a whole new baby. It worked that quickly. He was calm and able to lay down without being held. He actually put himself to sleep laying on the floor under his toy bird. We went to Riley's dance class and he just hung out in his car seat for most of the time.  For the rest of the night Ben needed to be by me, but not held 24/7.  At bed time I put Collin in bed awake and he put himself to sleep.  The transformation was amazing.  All I could say was Thank You.

If you've never heard of Gripe Water it is the most magical, natural additive for a baby's bottle that you will ever find.  It has things like licorice and ginger root in it to help settle the baby's stomach.  We discovered the wonders of Gripe Water with Ben and continued to use it with Collin.  About 6-8 weeks ago we decided to try and stop using it, for we know that all magic comes at a price.  Mistake.  We never put it together that Collin's fussiness started to really kick up after we stopped using this magic elixir.  Needless to say we stocked up on Gripe Water that night. 

Wellements Gripe Water for Colic

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