Just when you thought that it couldn't get worse, it does....
So I'm living my life in quite a tired fog right now. Things are getting forgotten, dropped, and just plain missed all over the place. If these kids would just let me sleep life would be better. Do you know that feeling you get when you have a head cold and take a ton of medicine? The best way I can describe my last week is "Medicine Head". I want to wipe the fog from my eyes and shake the clumsiness off my fingers, and I just can't.
I go to the grocery store yesterday. Cherise, my cousin, is here watching the kids, but Ben is real clingy to me lately so I decide to just take him with me. No big deal, right? Wrong. I have to deal with him screaming and hollering all through the store because he wants me to carry him. I don't think so! I get through the store and find a check out line. The lady is older, good at her job, and patient. All these qualities are very important for my check out experiance. So here is the list of what went wrong...
1. Forget half my coupons at home and have to take 1/4 of my food out of the cart. I just can't get myself to spend money if I don't have to.
2. Ben dumps half the box of CheezeIt's on the ground that I opened for him while we were shopping to calm him down.
3. Check out lady has no broom for me to sweep up our mess.
4. Manager comes over with a broom and notices that my nursery water is leaking all over the floor.
5. Go to buy beer and I have no driver's license and my state ID that I do have is expired. So now I have to put that with all the other food I can't buy.
6. Start loading up my cart and drop my carton of eggs on the ground. Yes, they break.
7. Go to check out and forget to give her the coupons that I do have.
8. She takes them, scans them, and gives me the cash. ... I didn't give her all the coupons. oops?!?! She scans the rest and is able to give me the cash for the rest. Her comment to me for this was, "oh girl????" Earlier in this process she screwed something up and told me I was rubbing off on her. Funny and True.
All threw this I had Benjamin crying and whining in my ears the whole time. Makes a girl kind of nutty.
I got home and told Cherise, "The next time I decide it's a good idea to take Ben with me, "Just Because", remind me that this is a bad idea." Not blaming all this on him, but he didn't make it any easier.
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