Friday, May 18, 2012

Great Day! Legoland and then Soccer

So we start out at LegoLand today.  Feild trip with Riley's kindergarden class.  So fun!!!  I just love being around these little people and listening to what they have to say.  Half way there, on the bus, banana (names have been changed to protect the innocent :) ) says, "I can smell legos.  We're almost there."  I told her that this was a very rare talent and I was pretty impressed.  It's not everyday you meet someone who can sniff out lego's in the air.  I was lucky today.  Found one. 

So we go about our day.  Ride the ride, eat lunch, go to the 4D movie, and then go to the Lego Factory.  This is where they show us how lego's are made (sort of...).  So the first part of the machine is called something like the Gizmonot.  Ralph, our tour guide, asks the kids if they can say Gizmonot.  They all yell it back.  He answers with, "what?"  They all yell it again.  Same thing.  Ralph does this one more time.  He answers again with, "what?"  Banana says to Ralph, "You know, we're little, and sometime little people can't say everything the right way."  So now we know why Ralph couldn't hear them.  Ralph started laughing so hard I thought he was going to hyperventalate.  Then Ralph started to talk about being brave.  He looked over at Clementine (again changing the names to protect the innocent) and asked her if she was brave.  She told him, "No.  I'm Clementine."  That took him a moment to process.  I guess Ralph wasn't ready for the wittiness of our group. 

So after Legoland we had our first night of Soccer.  Fun!  Much better than last year.  The kids are now playing with their friends on the team and having a great time.

Ben walked around eating Goldfish.
And then the boys decided to play in the dirt pile as if it was a sand box.  Wyatt was actually making dirt angels. 
When we got home I gave them a bath and had to empty the tub 3 times before we actually had clean water. 

I think I'm going to sit by the dirt pile every Friday soccer night.  They boys were contained and well behaved the whole time.

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