Saturday, January 26, 2013

Oma - You'll Be Missed

Yesterday was a hard day.  My mom called me in the morning to let me know that Oma had passed away.  We went to the nursing home and spent time with her until the funeral home came to pick her up.  My mom said that she just knew she was still there and she started telling Oma about what was going on.  She read a beautiful email sent that Pr.Tamm forwarded us from Ev. Lemke.  It read as follows:


I am leaving for vacation tomorrow early in the morning for a week out of the country. Please extend my feelings to Karin. Erika and Alexander.

Her mother was surely one of the loveliest women I had the pleasure to know. She had a grandmotherly laugh and smile that always made the day brighter. Her demeanor was always calm and a feeling of happiness hung over her like a beam of sunlight coming through the clouds on a grey day. I think of her every time I drive down Capitol Drive where she lived in Brookfield. I'm sure you will miss her, but it will be wonderful and it won't be long until we are all together again. May God comfort you during these times. You and the family are in our hearts and prayers.

Grant and Christina

This pretty much sums up how everyone remembered my Oma.  So many people have shared their thoughts and condolences with us and they all say the same thing about her, give or take a few words.

Oma was all that is described above, but also so much more to my mom, brothers, sister, me, and the rest of our gang.  She was Oma who came down every Tues and stayed until Thur every week after my parents divorced.  She went grocery shopping with my sister after Alex and I went off to school every week.  My sister would always want a package of hotdogs every trip and have to eat at least one out of the package in the store, then she would want another, when she would ask for the third Oma would finally tell her no because she said the check out person was going to think that she was eating them too.  They would finish their outing with a trip to the bakery and then home again.  She made the best roladen!  She would sit a peel apples and oranges for us at night while we watched tv because she knew this was the only way to get any real fruit into us.  She was nervous and embarrassed easily by the motley crew that she was surrounded by.  She didn't like us to get to wild and crazy.  She liked neat and orderly (all of which the rest of us are not).  How she put up with us over the years is just beyond me, but we could always feel her love no matter how nuts we made her. 
Oma would do anything for any of one us.  We have been blessed to
have such a beautiful person in our lives.  Now and forever she will live in our hearts.  The sorrow for her loss is great, but the happiness we feel that she is free of her earthly, broken body is wonderful.  

Oma - Say hi to Opa for us and feel free to come and visit every once in a while.  

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