Monday, December 8, 2014

Toothpaste in the tub.

Well my boys are minty fresh after their bath thanks to Collin putting a tube of toothpaste into the water. Walk out for a second and that's what happens.

Better than the roll of toilet paper he put in the last bath.  

Before this happened I poured a cup of water on Collin's head to wash the soap out of his hair and he then through a cup of water at me. I guess my shock therapy to Ben at dinner when he was whining so bad I through water on him back fired on me. Collin always has Bens back. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Buffalo Bills - Me and my bright ideas....

Thank God for the loud atmosphere at Buffalo Bills (a.k.a Buffalo Wild Wings).  Tonight I had the bright idea to take the kids out for dinner by myself.  While sitting at the table this was one conversation that we had.

Wyatt (very calmly), "Mom, Collin just said f***er."
Me, "No he didn't.  Collin, what did you just say?"
Collin says something and all I understand is something ending in "ER".  I ask again - same thing.  One more time I ask him as he says, "I'm just saying a Mickey Mouse word."
Me, "What is your Mickey Mouse word?"
Collin (very clearly), "F***er."
Me, "Collin, that's is not a nice word to say.  Don't say that."
Wyatt, "See Mom, I told you."
Collin, "F***ER!!" really loud (this is where the loud atmosphere really came in handy.)
Me, "Collin, Don't say that word."
Ben, "Yah Collin, You shouldn't say that word because that's a very strong word.  Right mom?"
Me, "Yes Ben.  That's correct."

This conversation never phased Riley in the slightest.  She just kept on coloring her picture waiting for her food to come.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Remembering 9/11

Where were you? I was sleeping and my friend Mary Goodman called me to wake me up and told me to turn on the t.v. My dad, brother and I watched as the second tower was hit. I went to school at the College of Lake County where they had big screen t.v's set up in the common areas so students could watch. And in my class a girl cried and asked to go home because her dad worked in Chicago and that was a possible target. Thank you God for keeping us safe. Bless those that gave their life and helped to save others. Thank you God for letting us go through this. It was horrible, scary, but taught us so much. We can't go through this tragedy for nothing. Let us always remember and be humbled by our experience.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Family puzzle night

This happened yesterday. Was it perfect like the pictures show - No. I had so much stress in my shoulders that I had to take Ibuphrofen afterwards. I said to Wyatt at bedtime - "we had fun tonight". His answer " really???"  - looking back though - we had a family game night, overall it was a good time, and we'd do it again. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Why can't we poop in public?

Wyatt - so I know why we shouldn't poop in public, but what happens if you do?

Me - you go jail. 

Wyatt - what about kids? 

Me - their parents go to jail.

Wyatt's wheels are turning for a bit ....

Wyatt - what about orphans?

Now my wheels are turning and  holding back laughter while watching Cherise crack up across the table from me ...

Me - then thy go to jail. 

Wyatt - what if we're having a party in the backyard and I poop in the middle of everyone?

Me - that would be really gross, but you won't go to jail. 

Wyatt - don't worry mom, I won't poop in the backyard. 

Well - now that we have that cleared up. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The day I broke my toe. . . . .

I want to start this with it may not be my finest moment as a parent, but I think many of you out there can relate with this.  There is some profanity, but for good reason.  I've hesitated sharing this with all of you because it does not depict me in the best light, but I have come to the conclusion that it is still something that needs to be shared.  Needs to be shared because the humor of it far out-weighs the reasons for not sharing.  The video starts out slow, but watch it to the end and you won't be let down.

Here's the backstory.  Last night the kids were playing on the tablet and laughing so hard.  I had to know what was so funny.  So I asked them what are you guys watching over there.  They gave me the tablet and it was a movie that they made of themselves being silly and stupid.  It was cute and funny.   So then I got curios.  What else have you guys video taped??  Then I come across one of Riley's head.    A little creepy and weird, but sweet at the same time.  Then Wyatt says, "Mom your in this one."  "I am?"  "Yes and your are about to get really mad"  "Really???"  So I watched on. . . . . . .

To find out what happened next you'll have to watch for yourself.

NOTE:  No children or animals were harmed in the making of this film, just a mom.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Jason's 35th Birthday

The day started with me singing THE birthday song to Jason.  We have to sing it to everyone on their birthday.  Last year I forgot to sing it to Jason.  I couldn't believe that I did that, especially after going on strike the year before because no one sang it to me.  The song goes a little something like this, 


It's a feel good in my family and we look forward to it when it's our birthday.  I can't believe Jason thought it was a little creepy that when he woke me up in the morning, before I even opened my eyes, I laid next to him and sang it to him.  Geesh - He spooks easily.

- Later that evening - 

OMG Did we laugh Friday night.  My mom, sister Leigh, and brother Michael came over for dinner.  We put the kids to bed and decided to play Rummy.  While we were shuffling the cards getting ready to start we tried to get Michael to play the game with us.  (He's 16 and is way to cool to hang with us.)  My mom said, "Don't bother.  He doesn't interact with anybody if it's not virtually." I thought about and decided I could be virtual.   So Jason went out to the garage and got a box, Leigh went to the office and got a sharpie, and I delegated naturally.  My mom got out her camera.  Then I put the box on my head and became a tv.  All that hard work and he still wouldn't play with us.  -- weird I thought that would work. 
So if that's how we started the night you can imagine how stupid we got from there.  Our sides hurt the next morning from laughing so hard.  My eyes stung from crying tears of laughter.  Good news though, I was sitting down all night so I never peed my pants.  Yeah Me!  


Here are some more birthday wishes via Facebook that Jason received.  





Happy Birthday to the love of my life.  

Jason - Not sure where, or who, I would be without you.  You make all my dreams come true.  Our lives are a crazy whirlwind of one mommy / daddy, to Collin spilled Ben's drink, then watch this guys, to HOLY CRAP GET DOWN FROM THERE, and finally Daddy's Home and I Love You Mommy that sometime we forget to put all that aside for a moment and be just the two of us.  (which is why you are getting my birthday note 3 days after your birthday - I like to keep the celebration going).  I love you always and forever and wouldn't choose anyone else to ride the crazy train with.  

P.S.  Your still my longest relationship.  

Star of the Week - BENJAMIN

Benjamin has been asking to be "Star of the Week" at daycare for about 2 months now, ever since he brought home his All About Me poster from Kindergarden.  Last week I asked his teachers if he was coming up in the rotation and they said they didn't really have a rotation, so next week would work.  He came up to me today when I picked him up and very non-challontly told me it was his turn for STAR OF THE WEEK, like it was no big deal.  I looked at him with a big smile, Really!, and he couldn't hold it in any longer.  His smile went from ear to ear as he brought me the new poster to fill out.  Super exciting!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Best Wake Up Alarm Ever

6:30 am Jason and I were the only ones still sleeping in our house.  That was until we heard a very large voice from a very small person scream into our room, "Daddy's Home!!!" Then he ran away.  We just laid there and chuckled quietly.  Then he came back and said (again very loudly), "Daddy we made you birthday cards last night.  Mommy said to make Daddy birthday cards." and then ran away again.    Jason just laughed and said to me, "I love you."  - - -  No secrets in this house.  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Crocodile Room

Last night we were in the basement putting the kids clothes away.  Riley and Wyatt were playing some game they made up and she decided she needed to dress in black to look more ninja like.  She grabs her clothes and goes into the bedroom and closes the door.  Wyatt is sitting on the couch next to Ben.  He looks over at him and says completely stone cold solid, "Ahhh......., She just went into the crocodile room."  Then he looks at the door and says to Riley, "Hey Riley, you know your not in the dressing room.  Your actually in my pets room."

While this is going on we have Collin running around with a pillow case over his head, laughing like a hyena, and jumping on Jason's leg.

Never a dull moment in the Cappert house.