I'm going to let you in on a little secret -- I'm overweight. (shhh don't tell. Some people haven't figured it out yet. They think I'm just big boned.) I know - you're all thinking - "Erika! Stop It! When you stand sideways we can't even see you." It's actually just camouflage. I should really change my line of work to MAGICIAN. Any who, now that the secret is out I'll go on. (Phew! Hard part's over!)
What's going on with me? I eat too much (and truth be told probably drink to much too), I have no energy, I'm tired all the time, I'm stressed out half the time, and not only do I eat too much, but I also eat like shit. (she said a bad word) I take my multi-vitamins everyday, but that barely does anything. I've tried taking the individual vitamins, but I had to get a pill box to keep track of what to take when. That was like another job. (Although it did help with my energy level.) We got a treadmill. Had it for a year, used it twice, gave it to my mom. (That was money well spent.) Last fall I was walking 2-4 miles a few times a week. That felt really good and I did notice a difference then too. But then winter happened. So now I'm back to ground zero with all my hibernation fat from the winter. Lets start a new plan.
I'm a Facebooker ("SHUT UP! YOU ERIKA!" - yep me. -- Ooohh two secrets in one blog. Before you know it I'm going to be telling all you my bank account info, although it won't do you any good. ) My oldest friend, Bright, and I have recently reconnected because of FB. (Not that she's old, I've just know her since Kindergarten I think) She started selling this new product Thrive. Posting on how great she feels, no more coffee, wakes up with energy, yada yada. Wow - that sounds great. Talk to Jason. We decide to try it.
What do I want to get from this product? Well, First of all I want to feel awake and not tired all the time. I'm going to be such a better mom, wife, friend, and overall good person if I could just have more energy. (At least that's my thought process.) Get my body more balanced. Have better skin. And loose some weight.
What are my goals? Eat better, start walking again, start moving around in general more often, and loose some weight. I think that the last part will happen naturally IF the first items mentioned really do happen.
Now your up to speed. I've ordered it, but it hasn't come yet. Looking forward to trying something new. Do I think that this is the answer to all my problems? No. I need to make many more changes than just adding this to my daily regiment, but the way I look at this is can't hurt might help. They say it takes 8 weeks for your cells to rejuvenate so I'm going to try this for 2 months. Yes I signed up as a promoter, but that's just because I can possibly get some stuff for free. I didn't sign up as a promoter to hook all my friends and family into buying this so I can make some money. All I want to do is change myself and if it really does work the way it's suppose to share my news with all of you.
Here's my plan: I'll journal my journey here. No lies. No gimmicks. Just honest results of how I feel once I start taking it. If I'm still tired, groggy, and fat I'll let you know.
Le-Vel Thrive Info
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