Monday, December 26, 2011

Mr. Ben knows Revenge

Ben getting back at Riley and Wyatt. 

I'm sitting in the living room and hear Ben start crying followed by Riley telling Wyatt, "WYATT! YOUR JUMPING ON BEN'S FACE!" 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mr. Literal

The directions on Wyatt's homework read as follows:

So what does Mr.Literal do?  Names them of course. 

We have Black Alfred and Purple Skylar.

Then there's Purple Cupcakey and Orange Cirlce.

Next let me introduce you to Yellow Stacey and Blue Diamond.

Our final new friends are Red Hearty and Green Alfred.

Well at least we know the child can follow directions.

And of course we can't leave out Miss. Riley getting her homework done this morning as well.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

2011 Holiday Letter

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Feliz Navidad, Season's Greetings, or just plain old Happy Holidays! 

Which ever you celebrate, where ever you are we would like to wish you the very best this wintery season.

The Cappert household has had a good 2011 year.  We welcomed our final member to the family, Riley started Kindergarten, Wyatt started Pre-School, Ben started walking and talking, and Jason and I are just along for the ride I guess.

Collin Gene Cappert was born on July 7th and is growing like a weed.  Our little 5 month old is almost 20 pounds.  Shocker!  Another Michelin baby just like the rest.  He is rolling over, babbling, and smiles from ear to ear whenever someone just glances in his direction.  We would love for him to start sleeping better, but our kids just aren't the sleeping type (sad).  
Riley, our mother, is such a character.  She is kind, loving, funny, and a bit sassy too.  She's doing great in school.  Wakes up every morning hoping it's a school day.  She is a great helper around the house too and truth be told I'm not sure I could get through the day without her.  Her favorite new saying is, "Really??" and just like every other little girl in American she loves herself some Justin Beiber.  (Although according to Riley his name is actually Justin Beaver.) 

Wyatt, our literal man, follows every instruction to the T.  Once I told him I was going to hop in the shower and his response to me was, "No mom!  If you hop in you could fall."  He also has quite the imagination.  He names all his toys and talks to them as if they were real.  Listening to their conversations is always a good time. 

Benjamin, our engineer, is into everything right now.  He likes to watch, study, and then take action.  Has to turn every knob, open every door, climb every piece of furniture, and stick his hands in every toilet.  Gross I know.  Currently we need to call a plumber because he put a bottle of lotion down our basement toilet.  Typical right?  At least for this household it is.  He's also a bit crazy about having every fan and light on in the house.  I'm hoping we pass this phase soon. 
Jason and I are truly enjoying these moments.  We might not enjoy all of them as they happen, but those are usually the ones that are the funniest to look back on.  All in all we couldn't ask for more than what we have.  We thank God everyday for blessing us with the most wonderful family and we also thank Him for allowing us to have such great friends and family outside our home.  To each of you we would like to say thanks for being you and we hope that your season is as bright as ours. 

With much love,

The Cappert Family - Jason, Erika, Riley, Wyatt, Benjamin, and Collin

P.S. Keep up with our family through out the year at

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Power of Prayer

For those of you who think we have it all together around here, your wrong.  From time to time we have some rough days.  Monday was one of those days.  I was home with the kids from 8am to 9pm by myself.  Typical for a Monday because this is one of Jason's long days.  I was able to get the bigs off to school, but the littles just wouldn't stop.  (BTW: "The Littles" are Ben and Collin and "The Bigs" are Riley and Wyatt.  This is how I refer to my children.)  Both boys were sick with colds and just wanted all my attention.  They were whining, crying, and just wanted to be held all day long.  My arms ached as if I had been lifting weights.  I was still in my pajamas.  My hair wasn't combed and my teeth were not brushed.  Around 1pm I lost it.  Collin was in his jumper crying and Ben was following me everywhere with his hands in the air whining "Mama" over and over and over again.  I was done - So I locked myself in my bedroom away from the boys.  I just needed it to stop for a little bit.  I sat on my bedroom floor in tears begging God to make it stop.  Please fix them.  I just wasn't sure how I was going to make it through the rest of the day with any shred of sanity left.  If this continued Jason would come home to kids crying, hanging from the lights, and me rocking in the fetal position in some corner of the house. 

God heard me.  I calmed myself down and went out of the bedroom.  Collin was still crying, but Ben was sitting in a chair quietly looking out the window.  I went to go and make Collin a bottle, look in the door of the refrigerator and there is a bottle of Gripe Water with just enough left for 1 bottle.  Now I'm not saying that God put the bottle in my fridge while I was crying in my bedroom, but my eyes were open to it.  It had to be sitting in there for a month.  It was in the top right corner of the door right next to the butter.  Whose doesn't use their butter almost every day?  And yet I never noticed it there.  After he drank just half the bottle it was like we had a whole new baby. It worked that quickly. He was calm and able to lay down without being held. He actually put himself to sleep laying on the floor under his toy bird. We went to Riley's dance class and he just hung out in his car seat for most of the time.  For the rest of the night Ben needed to be by me, but not held 24/7.  At bed time I put Collin in bed awake and he put himself to sleep.  The transformation was amazing.  All I could say was Thank You.

If you've never heard of Gripe Water it is the most magical, natural additive for a baby's bottle that you will ever find.  It has things like licorice and ginger root in it to help settle the baby's stomach.  We discovered the wonders of Gripe Water with Ben and continued to use it with Collin.  About 6-8 weeks ago we decided to try and stop using it, for we know that all magic comes at a price.  Mistake.  We never put it together that Collin's fussiness started to really kick up after we stopped using this magic elixir.  Needless to say we stocked up on Gripe Water that night. 

Wellements Gripe Water for Colic

Monday, November 28, 2011

Nickelodeon Fit [Wii Game]

I'm sitting at the computer and turn around to look at the kids and see Wyatt standing on our bathroom scale while playing Wii.  I ask him why is the bathroom scale in the living room.  He says, "Well mom, it says on the tv that I have to use it."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Where's Ben?

I go downstairs and hear Ben crying.   Where is he?  Walk down the stairs.  Where is he?  Go into the kids room.  Still hear him crying.  Where is he?  Listen closely to the book cabinet and hear crying coming from it.  Open it up and there's Ben.  Ask the kids who are playing in the room why didn't you open the door, "I don't know"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Well that wasn't embarassing*?*/*

(Here's me working out.  If you think your getting the actual picture of me
you've got another thing coming.  Use your imagination.)

So I've started this new thing. (At least its new to me). Its this thing called working out. While embarking on this new adventure in my life I have discovered a few this about myself.

Apparently I now sweat. And not just a little. I mean I am a hot mess on the work out floor. When I was younger I could be at the beach in 100' weather and never have a bead come off me. Now I don't have beads, I have buckets.

I have also discovered how very out of shape I really am. Do you know the color of Santa's suit? Well that's the color of my face while working out. I think I am one step below passing out when I'm in those classes.

The last thing I learned is how completely uncoordinated I am. While in the middle of step class today, working out in the front of the room, doing the "around the world" step, I fell. Not a fast loud fall, but a very slow, bumbling, awkward fall. Then as the instructor is calling out moves I get an, "Are you ok sweetie?". Yep - I was that person today. At least people will remember me next week when I go back.  

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Tiny" Our new bus!

Those who know me know how much I loved driving the bus.  If I had my way I would be driving a tricked out short bus.  Inside it would have carpet, captains chairs, a large flat screen, and 2 benches in the back.  Since I can't have that we got this.  It was going to happen, just a matter a time.  We're going to dress her up a bit with some pinstripping, which will also make me feel a little less like a construction worker.  (I'd paint it yellow, but somehow I think Jason might be against that one.)

SOOOO - Get it out now peeps.  Let's hear it, because next time we come rolling up to your house we'll be driving "Tiny".

Monday, October 31, 2011

Museum of Science and Industry

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Today we spent the day with my sister and her boyfriend, Lee and Leigh. First the kids and I went to go and see their new apartment and had breakfast. Then we all piled into the car and drove to the Museum of Science and Industry.  I do have to tell you the this museum never disappoints.  It's just as good now as it was the last time I went, riding on a school bus.  We had a bit of a problem with Wyatt wanting to explore the entire museum at mock speed and Ben just being an arrss.  That's my new name for him, Arrss.  Not sure how you would spell that, but it's my nice way of calling him an ass.  Benjamin is currently struggling with boundaries and getting what he wants.  He's so lucky he's cute! 

Funniest moments on the day -

First when the tree in the farm section jumped in front of me and I ran right into it.  All my sister heard was THUMP and then me saying, "Oh, there's a tree there."  I thought she was going to loose it.  Of course I did this while she was taking a sip of water and she almost spit it all over herself.  Now I think that really would have made this story good.

Then when Wyatt found a piece of candy.  My sister took Riley and Wyatt up the stairs while the rest of us took the elevator.  (You might think we're lazy, but have you seen the limo I call a stroller?)  So we get out of the elevator and Leigh and Riley and swallowing laughter and Wyatt is sitting there like nothing happened.  Apparently there was a piece of candy on the bench.  Leigh flung it on the ground and before she could say, "Wyatt - No!"  He already had it in his mouth and half chewed.  His response was, "Aunti, It's strawberry."

After that we went out for pizza where Ben screamed and hollered so much that the guys behind the counter just started giving him candy to try and make him be quiet.  It worked so did I care that my kid was getting all sugared up?  Nope.  Then we dropped Lee at the bus station and took Leigh to work. I'm pretty sure I got my picture taken while driving home and will be getting a nice letter in the mail from the City of Chicago. Guess I have to pay my dues for visiting. 

Thanks for a great day guys!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

RIP Kujo Ehlert-Cappert

RIP Kujo Ehlert - Cappert Oct, 1999 - Oct 27,2011

My dad, Alex and I used to live in a farm house together (A.K.A. The Frat House).  We had some great times there, but the house really left much to be desired.  If this gives you any clue - We lived there for 2 years and I never once set foot in the basement.  Some people may say that's weird, but I say it was creepy.  Our first winter we found out that we really did live on a farm (even though it's in the middle of Grayslake).  We had mice.  Not just a few mice, but we were catching a mouse an hour.  Our house wasn't dirty, it just had that many cracks for the critters to get in and we lived amongst corn fields.  It got cold and they looking for somewhere to live.  Our house was it.  Mouse traps weren't cutting it, so we decided to get a cat.

Alex and I went to PetsMart and picked out 2 very cute cats.  We had to fill out paperwork before we could take them home.  "Do you own or rent?" - Rent.  So they went to our crazy, 40/50 something, hairplug wearin', spying on his ex-wife, convertable driving landlord.  He said no.  We were floored!  The house came with a cat!  It literally had a litter box in the basement (so I was told).  The cat that came with the house lived outside.  Alex named her Bitcher because he mistook her meowing for whining.  (As you can see we don't know a lot about animals.  Never really had any growing up.)  So now what??  All these mice and no cat to catch them.  That's where Alex's friend Alec comes into the story.

Alex and Alec worked at the gun club.  Crazy ass place to work!  One day they were out there and Alec found Kujo in the middle of the sporting clay field.  It was October of 1999.  She was so little, cold, and starving.  Alec put her in a box and gave her to Alex because he knew we where looking for a cat.  She was magnificent!  After she came to live with us we never saw a mouse again, and after Alex and I left with Kujo my dad said the mice took over again.  So I guess there really is something to the old saying, "When the cat's away the mice will play."

Kujo came to live with us here.  Alex and I always had a thing going as to who's cat she actually was because when he moved out he left her here.  As you can see I always said she was his cat.  His friend gave her to him.  He said she was "our" cat. 

She lived a good life here.  Once the kids were old enough to chase after her she never really fancied any of them.  She would come out after the kids went to bed looking for attention.   Nobody really knew we had a cat when they came over because she was always in a closet hiding.  

Last night Jason and I started talking and realized neither of us had fed her in about 3 days, but there was still food in her dish.  So we decided to take her to the vet today.  It turns out that she had a heart condition.  Even if we treated her for it, she would have only had another 6 months max.  Jason made the hard call.  Thankfully Alex and my dad were there with him.  Once everything was done Jason called me and I told the kids while he was on his way home.  They didn't understand at first that she wasn't coming home.  "Why?"  Riley asked me, "Is it because I fed her to much food?"  Wyatt just kept crying for Kujo to come home.  First they wanted to pray for her and then they decided that we need a new pet.  A cat or dog they'll be ok with.  Definately no to a dog, but we'll see how persistant they are about a cat.  I'm not ready to jump back into that, but if it means that much to them we will think about it.  I gave the kids a piece of candy to distract and comfort them before Jason came home.  It worked.  Then when Jason came home and they saw how upset he was they said, "Maybe daddy needs a pumpking candy too?"  Daddy came home with a case of beer.  He had his own medicine.  Jason was sitting in the recliner crying with Ben on his lap. Ben looked at his daddy with tears running down his face, pointed to the tears, and said, "Uh - Ohh" and then gave his daddy a big hug. That's exactly what he needed.  

I may not be a pet person, but if I had to have one, she's the one to have.  She was good natured, loving, and never caused anyone any heart ache.  She let the kids hold, pull, push, cradle and what ever else they did to her.  She just waited for her moment to leave and ran when she had the opportunity.  Never once did she hiss, scratch, or bite anyone out of malice.  Rest in peace old friend. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ben Eating Play-doh - (Titled by Riley)

So I'm on the phone with my mom the other day and feeding Collin while he sits in his car seat on the kitchen table.  The other 3 kids are playing Play-doh in the breezeway, which is adjacent to the kitchen.  Ben climbs up to the table and startseating a Play-doh ball.  I yell from the kitchen, "Ben, take that out of your mouth!"  Ben puts the Play-doh ball down and picks up the Play-doh pumpkin I made for Wyatt and starts to eat it like an apple.  "Ben!  Get that out of your mouth! Can somebody please stop Ben from eating all the Play-doh?" Ben puts the Play-doh pumpkin down and picks up the screwdriver that I used to make lines on the Play-doh pumpkin and starts to put that in his mouth.  "Ben!!  Get that out of your mouth!!!  Somebody go get that out of his mouth!!!"  Wyatt responds back very calmly, "Don't worry mom - It's a Flathead."  So I yell back, "I don't care if it's a Flathead or a Phillips.  Get it out of his mouth."  Ben put it down.  I'm still stuck standing at the kitchen table feeding Collin and my mom is laughing hysterically on the other end of the phone.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

7 years in!

7 year ago I married a man that I thought was great.  The thing was I didn't really get how great.  When we first started dating I didn't see it at all.  In fact I wanted to toss him to the curb.  But Mary and Sandy saved him from that fate.  Thanks for that old friends.

When I see Jason now I see a strong, independant, loving, caring, and open man.  He is a great husband, father, and friend.  I have been so blessed to have him in my life.  When I was younger I was convinced that there wasn't anyone out there for me.  That I was just going to be along forever.  And I was ok with that.  But then Jason walked into my life and I was never the same again. 

It's strange how life is.  We spent years crossing paths and never met.  We went to high school together.  Drove on the same bus every day for a year.  Went to the technology campus together.  Bowled on the same night at Lakes Bowl.  I bowled on the women's league and he bowled on the men's league.  The same league that my dad played on just at the other end of the alley.  We never met until I was a bartender and his brother, Jeff, was a cook at The Hardware Store.  Then when he gave me his number I freaked out!  Not only was his name Jason (the same name as the guy I had just stopped dating) but he was standing right next to a guy that I had just went out with one night earlier. (Awkward!)  I never called.  A week later he and I happened to be hanging out at the bar together and started a wonderful friendship.  After a little while we went out on a date.  It was the weirdest, strangest non-feeling date ever.  After a few weeks I decided I was done and that's when Sandy and Mary stepped in.  Mary told me, "Your right.  He's to cute and to nice.  You should break up with him."  So I gave him one more chance.  Something happened after that and we were never apart again.  6 months later he proposed and 1 1/2 years later we married.  Oct 22, 2004. 

7 years ago I said "I Do" for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death do us part. I mean it as much today as I did back then. Even though our days might not always be perfect, I couldn't imagine going through it with anyone but him. 

And here's where we're at today. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Notre Dame

Notre Dame Fighting Irish VS. Air Force Falcons
WIN for Notre Dame 59 - 33

Big thanks to my in-laws, Jerry and Sherry, for letting Sarah and I use their tickets for the game.  What a great time! 

Few fun facts about the Notre Dame football stadium. 

    • The stadium holds 80,000 people (although the attendance for the game was 80,795.  Pretty sure I know where those extra 795 people were sitting.  Our row.)
    • The seats are only 12" long and 4" wide (roomy)

    • Regis Philbin is always at the game.  I'm pretty sure I found where he sits.

    • The Marching Band is humongous and AWESOME! 
Most entertaining moment.
    • Drunk girl in front of us turns around and shouts, "There's a little girl in a green shirt whose deaf and she's missing somewhere in our section!"  A wave a panic runs through section 20.  Sarah turns around and tells the people above us.  I ask the drunk girl, "How old is the little girl?"  "I don't know" she replies "Let me ask the usher."  We hear a number that is bellowed back to us that is either 6, 16, or 60.  She shouts back to the user, "16?"  He shouts back loud and clear, "SIXTIES!"  So I turn around and clarify to the people behind us, "Turns out she's not such a little girl, but still deaf and still missing."  Then the guy behind us asked if his grandma was at the game.
Coolest Thing to Happen.
    • This award has to go to the B2 Bomber fly over before the game.  It came from behind us and flew right over our heads.  A-MA-ZING!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Bewitching Hour

So at our house we refer to dinner time as "the bewitching hour".  It's starts around 4 and doesn't end until around 6.  (Yes I realize this is actually 2 hours, not just one.)  This is the time when all hell breaks loose each and every day without fail. 

Today Wyatt had his first homework assignment.  So he gets home from school and wants to relax and watch a little TV.  (This was my first mistake.)  "Ok. But when that's over you need to do your homework."  So around 4pm we start his homework.  He fake cries through almost the whole thing.  The only time he doesn't is when he's bouncing his ball and catching it.  (Yes - This is homework..?.?.) 

Then there's Riley who is sitting next to him trying to do his homework for him.  "Here Wyatt, do you want me to just do it for you?" 

We can't forget about Ben who is suddenly starving.  So we get him a yogurt.  To stop Riley from doing Wyatt's homework I ask her to help Ben eat his yogurt.  WELL....  We all get distracted helping Wyatt with his homework and look over at Ben who is drinking his yogurt.  He's got it all over his face, pajamas, and highchair.

Of course we can't ignore poor Collin who is laying on the floor in the living room crying because he wants mom's attention too.   I help Wyatt finish his homework, clean Ben up, and go to the living room.  Great!  Collin stinks.  Grab a diaper and the wipes.  Lay him on the living room floor.  (Yes that's right - the floor.  By the fourth kid you don't even have a changing table anymore.  Where ever you can catch them and get them to lay down is where you change them.)  Open up the diaper and that's when the Ass-splotion starts.  He's like a frikin' Play-Doh machine.  It just keeps coming and coming.  "RILEY - GET ME ANOTHER DIAPER.  HELP. HELP."  "GET ME THE FLOOR CLEANER.  THERE'S POOP ON THE FLOOR.  HELP. HELP."  Poop is everywhere.  He finally stops so I can clean him up and the floor.  I feed him a little more bottle and he goes right to sleep.  Eat, Sleep, and Poop.  That really is all they do.

I make dinner and as I'm calling the kids Riley comes in crying with her tongue bleeding.  What the heck!  She bit her tongue or something and now can't eat.  Really?!?!  Now she would would like a nice hot bath to relax in so she can soak her tongue.  Whatever... 

By now it's past 6pm.  The bewitching hour is over.  Thank God!  Not sure how much more I can take.  Let's put these kids to bed and call it a night!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Movie Theatre Date Rules

Rules to going on a Movie Theatre Date according to Wyatt

  • Things you are allowed to do.
    • hug
    • blow kisses
    • bring stuffed animal dogs
    • girls can eat waffles

  • Things you are NOT allowed to do.
    • kiss
    • kiss on the cheek
    • bring real dogs
    • bring toys
    • sleep in the theatre
    • eat waffles if you are a little boy 
If you are caught doing anything on the "Not Allowed" list you will be kicked out! 

Now we are ready to go and see The Lion King 3D.

Friday, September 16, 2011


OK.  So maybe the title is a little dramatic.  It was a small camp fire in the neighbors tree that landed on the power line which runs between our yards. 

First we get Riley and Wyatt off to school.  Then Ben wants to play in the backyard.  Sure - Why not.  We're sitting on the deck and I look up to see smoke coming from the trees.  Thankfully Collin fell asleep and actually let me lay him in his bed for once.  Then (brainiac me) decides to take care of this myself and I go get the hose.  Well... We have no water pressure so it didn't work.  (good thing too since I wasn't thinking of "you don't put water on an electrical fire").  So I decide to call 911.  The fire department comes out.  My neighbors come over.  (Finally met our neighbor Nancy across the street for the 1st time in 8 years.  Nice lady.)  AND The fire department does nothing except for call Com Ed.  I thought they at least cut the power, but no.  The Com Ed guy told me they don't do anything.  The fire in the trees just went out on its own.  So now the Com Ed guy is sitting in his truck in front of my house waiting for the tree trimmers to come out. 

In between  the fire department leaving and Com Ed coming out the neighbor from behind us comes over.  She tells me that her son (the guy who was mowing the lawn and I told the fire department is coming) tells her that the lady with the daycare called the fire department.  I corrected her and told her, "No.  We just have a lot of kids."

You want to know what thought kept popping in my head every time I was talking to the neighbors, the firemen, and the Com Ed guy.  "I still haven't brushed my teeth.  Gross."  Now I'm going to be known to the neighborhood as the smelly daycare lady.  Great!

Don't worry I did get a chance to brush them before writing this blog just in case any of you out there have smell-o-vision.

P.S.  Riley and Wyatt sure will be bummed when they find out they missed the firemen in our backyard. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Wyatt's First Day of PreSchool

I don't have a picture, but I do have to share.  Wyatt was so upset that I had to go to school WITH him today. 

"Can't I just go on the bus today mom?" 
"No Wyatt.  This is what your teacher's want us to do.  Some kids are a little nervous."
 "I'm not nervous mom." 
"Can't you just drop me off mom?" 
"No Wyatt.  Your teacher's want me to go with you today.  Tomorrow I will just drop you off." 
After school... "Tomorrow NO PARENTS MOM!  I'm going by myself!  I'm a big boy now!" 
"Trust me Wyatt, if they would let me you'd be going by yourself for a full day on the bus.  Not a problem." 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My first visit to the grocery store by myself with all 4 kids.  To sum it up in a phrase "We survived . . . barely".  There was a lot of tears from Collin, whining from Ben strapped into the car, arms flying out of the cart from Wyatt and Riley pushing the cart - into things.  All in all I would call it a success, since we got everything that we needed and are all home now. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Little Bit of History

  • So here's the story of how each of you were named and also the song that we have dedicated to you:

RILEY XIMENA- You were going to be either Riley Ximena, Josephine Buella, or Maxwell Mergatroid (if you were a boy).  We liked both Riley and Josephine, but were really leaning more towards Josephine.  You can thank Uncle Alex for talking us into Riley because he always said you were so riley in my belly we just had to name you Riley. 

As far as your middle name, my parents didn't give me a middle name so I thought it would be fun to give you guys really horrible, hideous middle names so you never wanted to get us so mad as to use them in front of your friends.  Just my cruel sense of humor.  Hehe.  So I picked Josephine Buella.  I though Buella was a really good, bad middle name to stick you with. Maxwell Mergatroid was picked because when Uncle Alex was born I was 4 years old.  Your grandpa had me convinced that they were going to name him Mergatroid.  He called me from the hospital at my daycare center and said "You have a new baby brother.  Do you know what his name is?"  Of course I answered proudly, "Mergatroid".  The answer was, "No.  Alexander."  I can still feel the disappointment today because I was so sure I had the answer right.  Then Uncle Scott picked me up from daycare and let me steer the car on the highway on the way home.  I was so excited, but when we told Omi she was not!  So then we came to Riley Ximena.  Your lucky your grandpa came to your rescue and found such a beautiful middle name.  I was going to pick Riley Fern.  I came up with Fern while looking at the altar flowers in church one day.  Then grandpa went to Cozumel and met a man who lived there.  He had a daughter and her name was Ximena.  He thought it was so beautiful that he had the man write down the name so he could be sure to spell it right and that was your souvenir from his trip. 

Your song is Shakira: My Hips Don't Lie.  I had a really hard time sleeping when I was pregnant with you and would end up watching Animal Planet or MTV/VH1 in the wee hours of the morning.  (The only time they play music videos anymore.)  Shakira: My Hips Don't Lie was always playing and it had such a great little tune that I would belly dance to the song with my big ole belly every time it came on.  Your dad got quite a laugh out of this, but when the music moves you - you got to do your thing.  (Animal Planet probably explains your love of animals.)

WYATT WILLIAM- Yours is a quick story.  We went through the baby book one time, fell in love with the name Wyatt, and knew it was perfect for you from the very beginning.  William was my grandpa's name.  He was my most favorite, special person in the world and I wanted to share his name with you.  It's also grandpa's middle name.

Your song is Born To Be Wild.  There wasn't a song that struck me when I was pregnant with you, but once you started coming into your own we knew there was only one choice.

BENJAMIN ANDREW - Our surprise baby.  Our oops.  We always told everybody that 2 was enough for us.  If it's up to us were done and the only way we would have another is if God wanted us to.  Well buddy - here you are - and we didn't plan you.  (But because you were such a great baby we decided to have another one.  Collin has you to thank for that.)  I knew almost the moment that I became pregnant with you and I also knew you would be a boy.  I wanted something biblical for you so when we were looking at those names Benjamin is what stuck.  Andrew is your dad's middle name and I thought maybe it was time that he gets a place in the names.  Not that we didn't pick them out together for each one of you, but now it was time.  I tried to get him to use Andrew for Wyatt's middle name, but it wasn't meant to be I guess.  That name was being saved for you. 

Dad picked out your song.  When I was pregnant with you we were watching Dancing With The Stars and Michael Buble sang: I Just Haven't Met You Yet.  The song is about knowing that there is a special connection just waiting to happen with that special person, but he just hasn't met you yet.   After that every time I heard that song it made me cry.

COLLIN GENE - I was listening to a Children's Memorial radiothon on US99 one day and they told the story of a little boy named Collin.  He was about 3 years old or so and had cancer.  The cancer had spread to his lungs so he couldn't talk anymore.  There was a teenage girl in the bed next to him crying and having a terrible time.  Collin wanted to help the little girl and make her feel better.  He had his favorite stuffed animal, a duck, with him in bed.  He kept trying to motion to his dad to give the duck to the girl, but his dad wasn't understanding what he wanted.  Finally Collin threw the duck in the girl's direction and his dad understood.  I thought what a wonderful spirit and soul this little boy had and  I wanted to share that with you.  I told your dad the story and asked him what he thought of the name and he liked it right away.  Gene is actually part of your Grandpa Red's name.  Grandpa Red was your dad's grandpa.  I never got a chance to meet him.  He passed away right after we first started dating.  A lot of your dad's great childhood memories are with him, like fishing and golfing.  The funny thing about this is when I asked him what Grandpa Red's real name was he didn't know and had to text Nannie to find out her dad's name.  Turns out is was Howard Eugene Long.  Well we weren't going to give you Howard as a middle name and one of my ex-boyfriend's was named Eugene so I wasn't sure how we could use his name.  Then your dad said, " How about Gene?"  And there it was.

I picked your song - Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting - because I was sure you were a ninja inside my belly and that you were going to come out of me with your Samurai sword in hand.  Turns out you were not a ninja, just a REALLY big baby.