Thursday, June 16, 2011

Chasing Butterflies

While Jason was tackling yet another outside yard project the kids found their first butterfly.  Even Ben noticed her.  (The kids decided it was a momma butterfly.)  It was just the cutest thing ever watching all 3 of them walking up close to the lilac bush to get a closer look.  Riley picked a couple flower petals and was walking over to the butterfly with her hand out trying to get her to eat out of her hand.  Then of course that got boring so we had to chase the butterfly away.  So much for letting nature be and just observing. 

Here's some pictures of Jason's accomplishment today.  He dug out around the bushes my mom gave us last fall and put red mulch all around.  He also put new mulch around the bushes we planted last summer.  Looks great!  At dinner he said I'm starting to rub off on him.  Now he loves productive days and can't handle the lazy days, when before he used to look so forward to the lazy ones.  Hate it when that happens.  :)

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