Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day Project

So we went to church tonight to make Mother's Day presents to give out at church on Sunday.  The kids colored flower pots and made bookmarks.  Riley really liked the bookmarks.  (Can we see where this is going?)  Jean and Maxine kept counting the bookmarks and trying to figure out why they didn't have as many as we needed.  Jean was sure she had brought enough.  Then Maxine says, "See if Riley has them.  She was asking if she could have one earlier."  Sure as shit - She's got a mitfull of them.  Klepto child strikes again!

Then I'm talking to Maxine and Wyatt is standing next to me going, "Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, MOMMY!!!"  - "What Wyatt?"  - "Daddy was right, I am Super Strong!"  Not sure what he did that made him come to this realization.  Maybe he lifted a car in the parking lot, or moved the organ in the auditorium, or maybe he just opened the door that is kind of heavy for him?  Whatever it was he has finally accepted that he is Super Strong - NOT Super Strong Boy or a Super Hero.  Please don't call him either of these things.  It really upsets him.

Ben was nice enough to throw my phone on the ground and crack the screen.  I can't see a darn thing on it.  We raced to Gurnee Mills at 8:30pm on our way home since we were right there just to find out that they can't fix it and even though we have insurance on the phone it's still going to cost us $100.  Not only that but the guy at the counter could not do anything other that give me a business card with a phone number and website on it to call when I got home. How helpful???  So glad we raced down the highway to get there before they closed for that.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading this out loud and I'm the only one laughing tears. Humor is wasted on those people!! These kids crack me up! My grandkids are a comic strip waiting to happen!
