Friday, May 13, 2011

Soccer Umpa-Lumpas

First day of soccer for Riley and Wyatt.

We went to Viking Park - Found another family looking for soccer - We're all looking around saying "Where are they suppose to play soccer?  There are only baseball fields here." - I'm talking to the baseball coach. - I'm talking to the concession stand lady. - The other mom is calling the phone number on the flyer.  No answer. - Then the dad of the other kids goes to check the fields where his nephew played last year. - Yep.  That's where we were suppose to be.  - 30 minutes late to the 45 minute practice we finally show up. - The kids have their winter coats on and they give us t-shirts. - I just put them on over their coats and shove them towards their coach. - Go... Play... - Go back to stand by my mom - look at my kids - and start laughing so hard I'm crying.  They look like Umpa-Lumpas or the little brother from A Christmas Story running outside in his snow suit.  You know the kid who falls down and can't get up. 

- And so our theme music plays again.  The Crazy Circus song is all I could here in my head.

They had so much fun and never noticed that they were late.  Wyatt did get pissed because when they "played a game" he never got to kick the ball.  I tried to explain good sportsmanship to him on the way home.  We'll see if it sinks in.  I think it's a really hard concept to grasp - especially at 3 years old. 

(Wyatt also told me on the way home that he wanted the t-shirt off and just his jacket on because he looked dumb.  I had to agree with him.)

Tomorrow ... T-Ball

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