Friday, May 13, 2011

When Riley Becomes A Mom

Riley is constantly adding animals to her home when she grows up and becomes a mom.  The other day after finding a frog in the fire pit (don't worry - the pit was cold) she said that when she becomes a mom she will have frogs and toads all over her back yard.  This morning our conversation went like this:
R: When I become a mom I am going to have 6 puppies.
Me: That's going to be a lot of poop to pick up.
R: Daddy will do that.
Me: You know when you get older daddy won't be living with you.
R: No - My husband.  I will just tell him "Go pick up that poop." and I'll give him a big garbage can and then he'll go pick up the poop.  You know who my husband will be - right?
Me: No - Who?
R: Ivy's kid.  You know.  The one who kisses me all the time.
Me: Will it be Matheu or Maison?
R: Matheu (she draws out real sly with a coye smile across her face.)

I guess Matheu's fate has been sealed.  Sorry Jim and Ivy.
Love the way her mind works.

1 comment:

  1. I see she hasn't had that father/daughter "talk" yet about those other birds and bees!!!
