Friday, April 29, 2011

My Boyfriend

So I'm getting some pretty strong feelings that my family thinks I should have a boyfriend.  Wyatt asked me this morning if I have a boyfriend.  It went something like "Hey mom do you eat bread and do you have a boyfriend?"  I guess he just wanted to try and catch me off guard.  Then Jason chimed in asking me.  I told him to be quiet and mind his business.  I told him that if I do it is non of his concern.  Then this afternoon my mom thought she heard me say something about my boyfriend when I was on the phone with her.  Maybe I should think about this??? 

04/24/11 - Happy Easter

This has been our most FUN Easter season so far.  The kids had so many different Easter Egg Hunts.  One last weekend with the Kenosha congregation.  They made their Easter baskets out of milk cartons, made bunny ear headbands, and butterflies out of coffee filters.  Then they had fun finding all the eggs hidden all around the church. 

Riley had an Easter egg hunt at school and had to make a homemade basket.  We made a basket for Riley and Wyatt out of boxes, paint, tape, glue, and Easter stickers.  They had a blast and made the cutest baskets ever.  We never even used the ones I bought at the store. 

The kids and I went to the N. Barrington congregation yesterday and crashed their Easter egg hunt.  They had eggs everywhere!!  It was crazy.  Then the kids were able to paint sun-catchers, play a game with balls outside, eat lunch, and pick a prize from the prize table.  We also got to spend time with our family that we don't get to see very often. 

This morning the kids had an Easter egg hunt here at home.  They were so excited to see the Easter bunny had come to hide their eggs and just ran from place to place until all the eggs were found.  Riley actually woke up an hour earlier than Wyatt so she scouted out most of them before the hunt even began. 

Jason, Riley, Wyatt, and I also colored Easter eggs for the first time as a family this year.  This was an interesting experience.  The kids colored the eggs just fine, but when it came time to put the stickers on them that came with the kit Wyatt dropped 2 of them.  The first one rolled off the table and into his seat, but the second one he dropped on purpose to see if it could bounce.  Seriously???  Luckily they were hard boiled eggs. 

To close our holiday we had lunch at Mom's house today.  Good food, good weather, and great company.  Had such a nice time.  When Mom and I took Oma home I got a chance to visit with Grandma a little bit.  She was so happy because Aunt Lynn, Uncle Scott and family, and Dad had all been to visit her today.   All at once.  She had such a wonderful time.  So nice to see what really matters in life.  We forget so easily sometimes. 

Just to throw this in we did go into what Easter is really about with the kids.  How it is the time that we celebrate when Jesus went back up to Heaven with God.  Jason read them the story for bed last night and we talked about it here and there through out the last week.  Riley got it, but not sure about Wyatt. 

They sure do like the egg hunts though.  :)  Good night for now and Happy Easter. 

04/21/11 - Calgon - Take Me Away!!

  • Calgon.  Take me away...  Riley hid a red and yellow crayon in her jean skirt pocket.  Wouldn't of been such a big deal if I hadn't washed her skirt with the crayons in them with ALL of the jeans for the ENTIRE family and then dried them all before anything was noticed.  Now I have to figure out how to get it all out.  
  • ---  So Ben's halo is now being held up by the horns that have grown out of his head in the past couple of days.  He has learned how to climb on EVERYTHING.  He can get up on chairs, out of his highchair, and onto the couch, but still won't walk.  He also has this new great habit of crying every time he doesn't get his way.  Makes my days super fun right now. 
  • ----  Got a double dose of vitamins today.  Went to get my antibiotics and cold meds and ended up taking antibiotics and vitamins (again).  Didn't realize I did this until about an hour after it happened and now I still haven't taken my cold meds.
  • >> Ya.Ya.Ya dryer.  Stop yelling at me.  I'll get to you when I get to you. 

04/18/11 - Jason's 32nd Birthday

  • Jason's 32nd Birthday.  We woke up to about 2" of snow on the ground after being in our sweat shirt jackets outside yesterday.  Then I sang MY birthday song to Jason while I was in the shower and he was getting ready for work.   For those of you who don't know the song it goes like this.  (It's a pretty happy and upbeat little ditty that my dad taught it to me when I was a kid.)  "Happy Birthday.  Happy Birthday.  Pain and sorrow fill the air.  People dying everywhere.  Happy Birthday.  Happy Birthday."   Then the kids came in and sang them the regular version of Happy Birthday with the church second verse after it.  It was super cute!  After this we had breakfast.  I had to remind Wyatt that he is not a cat nor does he wear a hat after he spit water all over the table and himself in a effort to sing with water in his mouth just like The Cat in the Hat. He was pretty disappointed at this revelation.  

04/10/11 - Daddy Date

  • So Jason has taken Riley and Wyatt on a "daddy date" tonight.  They went to go see Hop and then go to dinner.  I am home with Ben, who has been sleeping for almost 2 hours now.  Just rented a movie, made popcorn, ate pizza, and finished watching my movie.  I am so bored.  What is wrong with me?  Aren't I suppose to enjoy my ME time.  I don't know what to do with myself.  Oh good - Ben's awake.  I forgot what it was like to have just one kid and be by myself with the kid for any length of time.  It's too quiet around here. 

04/07/11 - Easter Baskets

Today's Project: Make your own Easter baskets. 

Riley has to make one for school and it has to be home made so Wyatt made one too.  They actually have turned out pretty good so far.  We cut up boxes, glued paper to them, painted them, and next will be to put Easter stickers all over them.  They love painting!

04/07/11 - To Ben and Riley

Ben - stop grinding your teeth!  How do I stop a 1 year old from grinding his teeth without putting a nuk in his mouth 24/7? 

To my Riley.  I know that when you grow up and look back at pictures you will ask "Mom, why did you let me leave the house like that?".  I just want to go on record now by saying that you are a VERY strong willed and strong opinioned 4 year old.  You know exactly what you want and how you want it.  Why would I fight that if I don't have to?  Plus, you look so adorable in the misfit outfits you pick.  The outfit you chose for Kurt's birthday party last Sunday was a good one too.  Wish I would of taken a picture of that one.  You picked out rainbow striped pants, a blue striped shirt, and a Christmas striped jacket.  You remind me of your auntie in a lot of ways.  This is one of them.  Also your love of music, passion to read and compassion for others.  Do you know that 3 days ago you had me start reading you a chapter book and you are really enjoying it?  We have read almost 100 pages in 2 days.  You would rather do that than watch TV.  I think your brother Wyatt is getting a bit jealous of the attention you are getting since he doesn't quite understand the book yet.  This is making him extra fun to be around.  I actually threw him out of the car yesterday because he was throwing suck a fit about nothing.  I had daddy pull the car over, I unbuckled him, and put him on the side of the road.  After a minute I let him back in.  I know it's mean, but it works.  Whatever I have to do to get through the day.  I told daddy that I am fully aware we need to start your funds for therapy now because you all will definitely need it when you get older!  

04/04/11 - Swimming in the Bathtub.

  • So my kids have their swim suits on and are all "swimming" in the empty bathtub.

04/02/11 - What do I want to do when I grow up?

So MaryPat asked on Facebook today: "MaryPat Bechtold Rosenkrantz What did you want to be when you grew up? And what did you end up becoming?"  I answered: "Erika Ehlert Cappert An Interior Designer, A Spanish Teacher, A Professional Organizer, A Psychologist for Children, a working mom, all sorts of things. It changed every couple of years based on whatever I was going through. Now I am a stay at home mom and hairdresser. Not any of the things I saw myself doing, but exactly where I want to be."  Just thought it was interesting.  I never really thought of it before. 

To go even further with this I ask myself: "What do you see yourself doing in the future?"  Well, I really liked being a bus driver, but that part of my life is done and over.  I see myself working with children somehow.  Maybe as a teacher's aid in a classroom, working at a foster home facility, or maybe having foster children living with us.  Not really sure, but I do see myself doing something once the kids are all in school and don't need me here full-time anymore.  They may want me here full-time, but at some point they won't need me here, and then at some point after that they won't even want me here at all, and then after that they won't need me full-time, but we'll be full time friends.  That's how I see things moving in the future. 

03/31/11 - Riley Knows All

  • So Riley was all salty with me about telling her not to play in the car that she told me "go suck my blood!"  How do you get mad about that?  Then she told me that she was the coolest lady in the world while looking over the rims of her sunglasses.  Then when we came inside I asked her to close a window because my feet were cold and she told me "go put some socks on."  Like I didn't already think of that.  She said she's hot like fire and the window needs to stay open.  Guess who won???  ME!

03/26/11 - Journal Entry from IN- Just me and the kids.

So I just love being a fly on the wall to my kids conversations.

This morning they thought that I was sleeping on the couch so they were trying to be quiet. (Not an easy thing for Wyatt especially).

W: " That's a beautiful picture riley. "
R: "thanks. Want to color with me?"
W: "Yes. Yes. Yes."
R: "you color this page"
W: "ok. Oh riley I heard Jordan walking around upstairs. Can I go see him?"
R: "no. You'll wake everyone up."
W: "I'll be quiet"
R: "you'll still wake everyone up."
W: "because I walk to loud?"
R: "yes. You'll wake everyone up. Nannie - Ben"
W: "Ben's downstairs".
R: "you have to stay downstairs".
W: "ok".

They r so funny how they talk, listen to each other, and rationalize with each other. Such a wonderful conversation full of innocence and love.

03/23/11 - Ben's 1st Birthday

  • Benjamin's 1st Birthday today! He had a nice morning with daddy all to himself, got presents at lunch time from Riley and Wyatt, is currently having his birthday nap, and this evening we are going to meet Jason at work for dinner and the kids are going to give out birthday Rice Krispie Treats to everyone at daddy's work.
-Jason told me today to be careful with my credit cards.  Riley had a dream last night that daddy gave her all of his.

-While at Jason's work tonight we passed out our treats.  Wyatt was nice enough to tell one of the salesman, "I like your fat belly."  I don't think I've ever see Jason turn that red before.  Welcome to my world buddy!  Nothing like having your kids tell someone, "I'm not going to say your fat because that's not nice, but you are big." 

03/22/11 - Getting Riley On The Bus (Not always that easy.)

So I'm finally ready to tell you about getting Riley on the school bus yesterday morning.  Took me a while to cool down and find the funny in it, but now that I have I was retelling the story to my mom this evening crying I was laughing so hard about it. Here we go:

  • 6:40 am Get Riley dressed. 
  • 6:50 am Figure out what she wants for breakfast - Pancakes. 
  • 6:55 am Eat Riley. 
  • 7:00 am Eat Riley. 
  • 7:10 am Eat Riley.  Your running out of time. 
  • 7:13 am Eat Riley - you can have 1 last bite and that's it.  Go brush your teeth. 
  • 7:15 am.  Brush your teeth Riley - She can't because she is still chewing. 
  • 7:16 am Brush your teeth Riley your bus will be here in 3 minutes. 
  • 7:17 am No time to brush your teeth Riley. 
  • 7:18 am Jason "RILEY - GET YOUR SHOES ON NOW. YOUR BUS IS COMING!" Me "GET OVER HERE AND GET YOUR SHOES ON!"  Riley in tears - "I'm trying.  I didn't brush my teeth."  Me. "NO TIME RILEY."
  • Me running out of the house with Riley's coat and backpack. "COME ON RILEY!"
  • Riley running out of the house with one shoe on and the other in her hand. I open the door from the breezeway to the outside. 
  • Riley finally has her shoes on.  
  • The bus is at the end of the driveway with her door open and traffic has been stopped.  I go to start walking and instead of paying attention to Riley I am looking at the bus driver.  I let the door go.  Riley goes flying.  (Gives new meaning to don't the door hit you on the way out.) 
  • Still no coat on. 
  • Bus still waiting. 
  • I pick her up, put her coat on while she is officially sobbing. 
  • Me "This is why you have to hurry in the morning" Riley "I want Daddy to take me to school." Me "Daddy can't take you to school everyday."
  • Riley still sobbing. 
  • Me telling her to stop because nobody wants to see that. 
  • Bus driver gives me very disapproving look and feels bad for Riley. 
  • Put Riley on the bus sobbing. 
  • Come back in the house and Jason says, "I think I'm going to start driving her to school everyday." 
  • After school I get Riley off the bus.  The bus driver says very cheerfully to Riley, "Have a great day Riley"  and the grunts something in my direction.  What lady?  Don't you have kids?  Didn't you ever try to get somewhere quick with one of them? 
  • Walking back into the house I say to Riley, "Sorry for letting the door hit you and knock you over this morning."  She says, "It's ok mommy.  And I'm sorry for not listening this morning."  We were friends after that.
-So then today I keep Riley home from school and take all three kids to the doctor.  In the waiting room Riley has to take off her boots and coat.  Why you ask? I don't know.  When they call our names we all get up.  She goes to get all her stuff.  I go to swing the backpack on and wouldn't you know it but I swung the backpack right into her head while putting it on my back.  Once again she is sobbing all the way to the doctor's room.  That poor girl.  Just can't catch a break. 

03/21/11 - Puppet Show

  • Nothing like a surprise sock puppet show performed by Riley while I make lunch to put a much needed smile on my face.  I love that girl!  Here is a picture of what Riley wore to the grocery store tonight.  Her outfits crack me up!  Had to take this picture and send it to Nannie. 

03/20/11 - Mike's Birthday

  • Ben took his first steps today!  Went to Mom's house today for Mike's and Ben's birthday party.  Had a nice time.  Ben took 2 steps from the coffee table towards me on the couch.  I was the only one to see him.  He'll be all over the house in no time.

03/18/11 - Blue Blanket

Putting the kids to bed tonight I asked Wyatt "Where is your blue blanket" He reply's "By the giant door that doesn't open and the castle.  Then a monster came and ate it." So usually there is some kind of logic to his thought process, you just have to weed through it to find it.  So I ask him "But where is your blue blanket?"  meaning where in the house.  He says "I told you! By the giant door that doesn't open and the castle.  Then a monster came and ate it."  I found it behind the couch in the living room.  I guess he was playing some sort of castle / monster game back there???

03/17/11 - The Perfect Day

  • (am) - So Wyatt's choice of food this morning: Waffles with syrup, a pickle with apple juice, and for dessert chocolate mint cookies.  All before 10am.  Jason just gives me this look with his tongue out of "yuck".  I didn't even think how gross this combo was until he did that.  Then we started to wonder: "Who is pregnant in this house?  Me or Wyatt?"
  • (pm) - Today is was type of day parents dream of.  Beautiful weather outside, windows open, TV off, and kids getting along.  No screaming and hollering, nobody fighting - just a happy family.  It doesn't get better than this.  We didn't do anything special today.  Laundry, dentist, and out to dinner as a family.  (Ran into my dad and Uncle Scott at the restaurant for dinner.)  But it is one of those days when you feel like "We got this." as parents.  "Maybe we are going to be ok."  "Maybe we are going to make it."  I get scared a lot.   A happy, normal family is not what I came from so it's very hard for me to envision that for my future.  The kind where the kids are all friends and get along, the parents are level headed, and everybody works together as a well oiled machine.  I don't know what that's like so I can't see that as a REAL possibility.   But today I could see a glimpse of that for us. 

03/16/11 - Awesome Weather

  • The weather is absolutely amazing today.  Windows are open, sun is shining, and we actually all were outside today for about 2 hours.  It was Ben's first time outside since he's big enough to explore.  He crawled all over the deck.  Riley and Wyatt played pirates in the boat as usual.  I'm not sure what they are going to do when we eventually get rid of that boat.  Some kids have playhouses, some have swing sets, others have boats.  Our kids have all 3.   They haven't watched TV all day and haven't asked for it either.  Thank God for small miracles!  Funny thing - Wyatt is in the bathtub right now and as I'm writing this he's in there saying, "I want to watch TV. TV. TV. TV."  As usual they make me eat my words. 

3/15/11 - Visit from the In-laws

Jason's parents came in for the day today.  We had a great day.  While Jerry was here I put him to work.  He fixed the drawers on the dresser that I found on FreeCycle yesterday.  Troy and Mikey picked it up and brought it over.  What a bunch of nice guys.  For dinner we met up with Ricky, Jeff, and Gabby at Pizza Hut.   I feel bad for Riley sometimes.  She is so independent and can do so much, but everybody still looks at her like this little girl who can't do anything.  Then they tell her "no" and she gets embarrassed and mad and ends up getting herself in trouble for something that she should have been able to do in the first place.  I am raising a very independent young women who has a mind of her own and wants to use it.  The problem is she's 4 and people look at her like she's 4.  We don't look at her like that, nor does she want to be looked at like that.  It's a hard concept for people to grasp.  I get that.  But we know our kid and we know that she is going to conquer the world someday, and it will be completely on her terms.  I love that about her.  Now we have to teach her how to handle her big girl self in her little girl body so that everybody can understand her. 

03/14/11 - Camping

So today I found all the kids footie pajamas inside their tent downstairs.  When I asked Wyatt why they were down there he told me that him and Riley pulled them all out of the clean laundry because they wanted to take them camping.  Then he asked me if he could go eat his snack that was in his tent.  I said, "What snack?" because I didn't give them anything.  He told me that they put chocolate chips in there.  Mind you I gave them chocolate chips as a snack last week.  They hid them in their room for later apparently.  Now he brought his stash upstairs and dumped them all over the floor because the bottom came out of the box that he hid them in.  It's now become a race against Ben to get them picked up before he gets them.  Wyatt's having a fit!  hahaha.  Cracks me up to watch. 

Oops.  Just checked on Riley in the tub.  Guess I should of done that a little sooner.  The water is so high it's almost coming out of the tub.  She just called Wyatt in to check out how much water is in the tub.  He looked at her and said, "Woo Riley.  That's a lot of water."  Now he's feeding her chocolate chips in the bathtub.  I should really be more involved in what they do, but then what fun would that be.  I'd have no good stories to share with you.  And now he's feeding Ben.

03/13/11 - Make A Messterpiece

Wow.  Great day.  Church this morning and then off to Make-A-Messterpiece in the afternoon.  It is this great place that has all these different stations with different projects for the kids.  They loved it.  Definitely have to do that again, but not on a Sunday.  It did get a little crazy with all the older kids running around.  (Birthday Parties)  Next time we go we will go when they are all in school. 

03/10/11 - It's Another Boy

Quite a day today.  So Jason and I took the kids and went to go find out what this baby is.  Boy.  Collin Gene Cappert.  Due 7-12-11.  I'm pretty sure that was the longest hour of Jason's life taking care of the 3 kids while I laid on the table getting the ultrasound done.  Riley, Wyatt, and I were all convinced that we were having a girl.  If it would of been a girl it would have been Alexis (Lexi) Lola Cappert.  Jason wanted a boy.  He says that one girl is enough for him and he is pretty happy about today's outcome.  I can see we are going to butt heads on whether to have Collin circumcised or not.  I say no.  Wyatt's went fine, but I felt like it was just barbaric.  I remember screaming and crying when they brought him back and all my anger was directed at Jason for making the decision to do this to our little boy.  When we had Ben I agreed to have it done again because I didn't want the boys to look different.  Well let me tell you.  They are as different as night and day.  Ben's did not work out as good.  The specialist that we now have to take him to said he'll never look circumcised, but that everything will work right and no need for extra surgery.  We also have to put steroid cream on him for the next 6 weeks twice a day.  Fun, fun, fun.  I just don't think that we should put Collin through this.  Why?  No guarantee that he'll turn out any better than Ben.  Anywho... Enough about the boys penis's.  Back to our day.  After the ultrasound Riley, Wyatt and I went to go and see Dr. Frank, our baby doctor.  After he listened to Collin's heartbeat he used the baby heart monitor to listen to the kids heartbeats.  The kids were so excited.  Dr. Frank told them not to go home and put jelly on them the way he just did.  Then we went to dinner with my dad.  We had a nice time.  Kids were pretty good considering we hadn't been home since 1pm.  On the way home a sad thing happened.  Wyatt's smile blew away.  (According to him this was why he was a sad boy.)  Riley was nice enough to lend him one of hers.  After we got home Jason took Wyatt to the bathroom.  He had to poop and when you wipe his butt he leans into you and you wipe him from behind.  (Sorry to be so graphic, but you kind of need a visual for this next part.)  Then Jason opened his legs a little bit and Wyatt fell right through them.  Forehead straight to the floor and butt way up in the air.  He hurt his head but good, and Jason being the good dad that he is went to where Wyatt couldn't see him and busted up laughing.  Real nice dad.  I think that ended up to be just the right ending to our day. 

03/07/11 - A Time To Bitch

Ok so I'm going to take this entry to bitch a little bit.  I'm kind of feeling a bit run down, pulled in every direction, and just plain done.  I like to be super woman/wife/mom, but sometimes it just doesn't happen.  Being pregnant, taking care of 3 sick kids and 1 sick husband is not easy.  On top of that you add cleaning up poop, puke, and snot plus keeping up with the house and everyone's daily needs.  Now this does not include taking care of my own needs.  Like the other day going to the dentist to have a cavity cleaned out with no Novocain.  Talk about anxiety attack.  Or all the millions of doctor appointments we have to run to everyday.  Or family obligations that we have.  Going here and there with the kids all the time to keep them happy.  Trying to figure out things for them to do to earn happy faces to earn prizes to keep them involved in the household and to make sure they feel needed.  AND trying to think of activities for them to do so they are not sitting in front of the boob tube all day long.  THEN in the middle of all this we get back to the beginning of my rant of Wyatt puking - Bath, Ben puking - Bath, Riley coughing up a lung and wiping snot all up and down her sleeves - Bath, Ben not sleeping because he's coughing so much, Jason up at 4am with diarrhea and puking, Ben up at 6am with his barking cough - Steam Shower in the Bathroom.  And now I'm getting ready to color Michele's hair in 10 minutes.  Which is why I needed to rant a little.  Get it all out of my system before I subject an outsider to this.  Well thanks for listening.  Sorry for the crazy random thoughts.  Michele is early and just pulled in the driveway so until next time and hopefully it's a happier entry. 

Quickly I do have to add that watching Wyatt play peek a boo with Ben this morning did make me smile.  Ben was just laughing and having such a great time with his big brother.   Riley and I also had a good laugh at breakfast this morning after she tried to convince me why she should stay home from school today since Daddy gets to stay home from work.

Later that same day: Nothing like a little retail therapy to soothe the soul.  Since Jason is home sick from work I left him with the kids and ran some errands.  Post office to mail Grandma Rosie's and Jerry's presents, the bank to deposit our tax return, and then to Hobby Lobby where I found some great deals.  They had piano church music in the background and it wasn't crowded at all.  I could just mosey through the aisles at my own pace enjoying the music and sales without anyone talking to me at all.  Magical.  Of course everything I bought was for the kids.  I don't care though - because they weren't with me.  hehehe

03/04/11 - Melty Poo

Can't go to Omi's house tonight because Wyatt has melty poo really bad today.  (aka diarrhea)  Today in the bathroom stall at McD's with a lady next to us: Wyatt "I have melty poo today mom.  What is that called again?" Me "Diarrhea" Wyatt "Yah, I have diarrhea today."  Lovely conversation to have strangers overhear in a public bathroom.

Later the same evening Riley bellows for me from the bathroom.  Riley: "Mom there's water coming from my butt." Me: "That's called Diarrhea."  Riley "I don't like diarrhea"  Me "Nobody does baby." Riley gets off the toilet then "Ooohhh Mom I have to go again."  Me: "ok just get back on the toilet" Riley "GET OUT MOM!" Me: "That's ok by me.  It's not like I wanted to be a part of this."

03/02/11 - New Rule

New rule today.  No creatures or animals at the dinner table.  Wyatt keeps growling at us, using his "scratchy" paws, sitting like a puppy in his seat, and lapping his food up like a dog.  This is my life.  Can't make this up.

02/28/11 - Wyatt Explores The Toilet

Wyatt decided to explore the toilet this morning to see how it works.  Jason walked into the bathroom to Wyatt armpit deep in toilet water.  Jason asked him what he was doing and he said he was checking it.  For what? To see if the water still comes out of the hole.  Thankfully he had already flushed down his morning pee.

02/27/11 - Dad's Birthday

We went to Alex and Crystal's for lunch today in celebration of my dad's 57th birthday.  Today was a day full of laughter.  I really needed it.  First, I ask Jason to pick up a card from Mike (age 12) to my dad for his birthday.  He had to go to the store anyways to pick up our present for dad.  No problem he says.  We get back to the house after church to change and pick up Jason.  I saw the card in the bag and gave it to Mike to sign.  He reads it and says, "This card is a little inappropriate.".  So I take the card and read it.  He is absolutely RIGHT!!  My husband decided to get a sex card from Mikey to my dad for his birthday because it was the funniest one there.  The front of the card reads, "For your birthday I hope you get some...."  Then you open it up and the punch line is "Presents."  I couldn't believe it.  I started laughing so hard my face turned bright red and I cried all my make up off.  I look at Jason and ask through my tears, "What the hell is the matter with you."  So he said, "Well then I'll give it to him."  Me: "Ok fine, but please don't put my name or the kids on it.  Also inappropriate to get a sex card from your daughter and grandkids."  REALLY....... 

Then later in the day Alex brought out the cake for dad.  We needed a flame torch to light the thing because he put all 57 candles on the cake.  We couldn't sing happy birthday fast enough because the house was about to burn down.  I will say though, dad blew all the candles out with one breath.

Later we decided to play Trivial Pursuit.  That was the longest game ever.  We laughed so hard while playing.  Between our dumb answers, arguing about what side to pull the cards from, and my farts that could blow a hole through the chair we had a blast.  While playing the game Ben woke up from his nap and decided to get brave and pet Dutchess.  She was laying on the kitchen floor and Ben would crawl up to her, pet her, and once she would move in just the slightest bit he would back off in total fear.  But it didn't stop him from going back for more.  Hysterical. 

02/26/11 - Riley Flooded the Toilet

Riley flooded the toilet today.  She tries so hard to help me and sometimes (most times) it just backfires on her.  Ben went into the bathroom and unrolled half a roll of "mega-roll" toilet paper.  Riley rolled up as much as she could back on the roll and figured she would just flush the rest.  Well - The rest was still A LOT of TP.  I was sitting on the couch and asked her if water was running in the bathroom.  She went to go look, told me yes, I asked her to turn it off, and her answer was, "I can't".  I went into the bathroom to find a river.  So I took my socks off, took my pants off, and started to clean up the water.  (Good thing we didn't get any visitors.  Nothing like seeing a 5 month pregnant women cleaning the bathroom floor in her underwear.)  The kids pitched in to help.  Wyatt went and hung out with Ben who woke up from his nap in all the commotion and Riley was in the bathroom (in her underwear) wiping up water from the floor with me.  Wyatt then emptied the trash can which was full of wet toilet paper, hair, lint, and wet cat food from the closet.  (gross).  The next day Jason found half of the bathroom garbage next to the kitchen garbage where Wyatt dumped it.  (still gross)

2/24/11 - Great Helpers

Today we went to visit daddy at work and took him out to lunch.  We wanted tacos from this really good Mexican restaurant, but the kids wanted Pizza Hut.  Guess who won???  Wyatt helped me sort the laundry and Riley helped me pull the garbage cans up from the street.  What great helpers we have.  Ben broke a lamp.  Riley made her first scrapbook.  Just a little one that she won from earning 10 happy faces on her chart, but it is really cute.  LOTS of glue was used.  She went threw 3 glue sticks.  We're letting it dry now before she decorates it so that the pages don't stick together. 

2/22/11 - Mommy Stinks

So Wyatt wakes up at 6 this morning.  Not unusual.  He was trying to be so quiet and actually succeeding for once.  6:15 I look over and he's sitting on the floor next to me in bed.  I ask him, "Wyatt, do you want to come lay in bed with us." "Yes mommy" crawls into bed... lays in bed next to me...  I put my arm around him to snuggle...  He says to me, "Mommy you stink.  Why do you stink?" 

02/20/11 - Bounce House in the Living Room

Today's turned out to be pretty good for a Sunday. I stayed home from church because I wasn't feeling good. Watched youth service with the apostle on the computer. Great service!  Put your trust in the Lord.  During church Ben kept trying to eat my feet. Gross. Even if I hid them with a blanket he would tear the blanket off my feet to suck on my toes. GROSS. At least I showered before bed last night. 
Jason took Riley and Wyatt to bowling with him. I had Ben here with me. On their way home Jason picked up Burger King for lunch.

After nap time we set up the bounce house in the living room. Kids are having a blast. Still don't feel like doing anything so we ordered pizza for dinner. Jason and I ordered salads and I'm thinking about opening a can of peaches for the kids. Does that make my food choices for the day ok?  I think salad and peaches fix anything. Kind of like duct tape and Windex.

Wyatt just went to go eat more of his lunch before the pizza comes. He looks at his plate and says "Mama, my apples turned into French fries". Hahaha. For lunch he had apple slices in one compartment of his plate. After he got up from the table I gave the rest of his apples to Ben and poured Ben's leftover fries on Wyatt's plate. Being the mother of the year (again) I never cleaned up his food from lunch.  So now were back to dinner time and apples turning into French fries. 
Oh. Jason just caught Ben with his arm in the toilet again. We're working on teaching Wyatt to close the toilet after he's done. Now Ben's taken all the toilet paper off the roll. I hear this and yet I am still sitting on the couch typing away. He's so happy with his toilet paper. It would be wrong to take his away from it. And that would mean I would have to get up.

02/19/11 - Wyatt stabbed himself

So Wyatt stabbed himself in the foot with a BBQ fork this morning. No blood. The footy pajamas saved him. Just a little boy left saying, "Owww, my foot!" This is what happens when you have kids help you empty a dishwasher.

02/17/11 - Riley the Clepto

Mrs. Rutherford, one of Riley's pre-k teachers, called us today while Riley was at school.  Clepto child took $40 off my desk, wrapped it around one of my hair combs, and put it in her backpack.  The funny thing is just 30 minutes before this we asked Wyatt if he had taken it and he ratted out Riley.  We had checked all her purses in the house and I was just about to go outside to the van.  We knew she had it hidden somewhere.