Friday, April 29, 2011

04/02/11 - What do I want to do when I grow up?

So MaryPat asked on Facebook today: "MaryPat Bechtold Rosenkrantz What did you want to be when you grew up? And what did you end up becoming?"  I answered: "Erika Ehlert Cappert An Interior Designer, A Spanish Teacher, A Professional Organizer, A Psychologist for Children, a working mom, all sorts of things. It changed every couple of years based on whatever I was going through. Now I am a stay at home mom and hairdresser. Not any of the things I saw myself doing, but exactly where I want to be."  Just thought it was interesting.  I never really thought of it before. 

To go even further with this I ask myself: "What do you see yourself doing in the future?"  Well, I really liked being a bus driver, but that part of my life is done and over.  I see myself working with children somehow.  Maybe as a teacher's aid in a classroom, working at a foster home facility, or maybe having foster children living with us.  Not really sure, but I do see myself doing something once the kids are all in school and don't need me here full-time anymore.  They may want me here full-time, but at some point they won't need me here, and then at some point after that they won't even want me here at all, and then after that they won't need me full-time, but we'll be full time friends.  That's how I see things moving in the future. 

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