Friday, April 29, 2011

02/20/11 - Bounce House in the Living Room

Today's turned out to be pretty good for a Sunday. I stayed home from church because I wasn't feeling good. Watched youth service with the apostle on the computer. Great service!  Put your trust in the Lord.  During church Ben kept trying to eat my feet. Gross. Even if I hid them with a blanket he would tear the blanket off my feet to suck on my toes. GROSS. At least I showered before bed last night. 
Jason took Riley and Wyatt to bowling with him. I had Ben here with me. On their way home Jason picked up Burger King for lunch.

After nap time we set up the bounce house in the living room. Kids are having a blast. Still don't feel like doing anything so we ordered pizza for dinner. Jason and I ordered salads and I'm thinking about opening a can of peaches for the kids. Does that make my food choices for the day ok?  I think salad and peaches fix anything. Kind of like duct tape and Windex.

Wyatt just went to go eat more of his lunch before the pizza comes. He looks at his plate and says "Mama, my apples turned into French fries". Hahaha. For lunch he had apple slices in one compartment of his plate. After he got up from the table I gave the rest of his apples to Ben and poured Ben's leftover fries on Wyatt's plate. Being the mother of the year (again) I never cleaned up his food from lunch.  So now were back to dinner time and apples turning into French fries. 
Oh. Jason just caught Ben with his arm in the toilet again. We're working on teaching Wyatt to close the toilet after he's done. Now Ben's taken all the toilet paper off the roll. I hear this and yet I am still sitting on the couch typing away. He's so happy with his toilet paper. It would be wrong to take his away from it. And that would mean I would have to get up.

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