Friday, April 29, 2011

03/04/11 - Melty Poo

Can't go to Omi's house tonight because Wyatt has melty poo really bad today.  (aka diarrhea)  Today in the bathroom stall at McD's with a lady next to us: Wyatt "I have melty poo today mom.  What is that called again?" Me "Diarrhea" Wyatt "Yah, I have diarrhea today."  Lovely conversation to have strangers overhear in a public bathroom.

Later the same evening Riley bellows for me from the bathroom.  Riley: "Mom there's water coming from my butt." Me: "That's called Diarrhea."  Riley "I don't like diarrhea"  Me "Nobody does baby." Riley gets off the toilet then "Ooohhh Mom I have to go again."  Me: "ok just get back on the toilet" Riley "GET OUT MOM!" Me: "That's ok by me.  It's not like I wanted to be a part of this."

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