Friday, April 29, 2011

03/16/11 - Awesome Weather

  • The weather is absolutely amazing today.  Windows are open, sun is shining, and we actually all were outside today for about 2 hours.  It was Ben's first time outside since he's big enough to explore.  He crawled all over the deck.  Riley and Wyatt played pirates in the boat as usual.  I'm not sure what they are going to do when we eventually get rid of that boat.  Some kids have playhouses, some have swing sets, others have boats.  Our kids have all 3.   They haven't watched TV all day and haven't asked for it either.  Thank God for small miracles!  Funny thing - Wyatt is in the bathtub right now and as I'm writing this he's in there saying, "I want to watch TV. TV. TV. TV."  As usual they make me eat my words. 

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