Friday, April 29, 2011

02/26/11 - Riley Flooded the Toilet

Riley flooded the toilet today.  She tries so hard to help me and sometimes (most times) it just backfires on her.  Ben went into the bathroom and unrolled half a roll of "mega-roll" toilet paper.  Riley rolled up as much as she could back on the roll and figured she would just flush the rest.  Well - The rest was still A LOT of TP.  I was sitting on the couch and asked her if water was running in the bathroom.  She went to go look, told me yes, I asked her to turn it off, and her answer was, "I can't".  I went into the bathroom to find a river.  So I took my socks off, took my pants off, and started to clean up the water.  (Good thing we didn't get any visitors.  Nothing like seeing a 5 month pregnant women cleaning the bathroom floor in her underwear.)  The kids pitched in to help.  Wyatt went and hung out with Ben who woke up from his nap in all the commotion and Riley was in the bathroom (in her underwear) wiping up water from the floor with me.  Wyatt then emptied the trash can which was full of wet toilet paper, hair, lint, and wet cat food from the closet.  (gross).  The next day Jason found half of the bathroom garbage next to the kitchen garbage where Wyatt dumped it.  (still gross)

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