Friday, April 29, 2011

04/07/11 - To Ben and Riley

Ben - stop grinding your teeth!  How do I stop a 1 year old from grinding his teeth without putting a nuk in his mouth 24/7? 

To my Riley.  I know that when you grow up and look back at pictures you will ask "Mom, why did you let me leave the house like that?".  I just want to go on record now by saying that you are a VERY strong willed and strong opinioned 4 year old.  You know exactly what you want and how you want it.  Why would I fight that if I don't have to?  Plus, you look so adorable in the misfit outfits you pick.  The outfit you chose for Kurt's birthday party last Sunday was a good one too.  Wish I would of taken a picture of that one.  You picked out rainbow striped pants, a blue striped shirt, and a Christmas striped jacket.  You remind me of your auntie in a lot of ways.  This is one of them.  Also your love of music, passion to read and compassion for others.  Do you know that 3 days ago you had me start reading you a chapter book and you are really enjoying it?  We have read almost 100 pages in 2 days.  You would rather do that than watch TV.  I think your brother Wyatt is getting a bit jealous of the attention you are getting since he doesn't quite understand the book yet.  This is making him extra fun to be around.  I actually threw him out of the car yesterday because he was throwing suck a fit about nothing.  I had daddy pull the car over, I unbuckled him, and put him on the side of the road.  After a minute I let him back in.  I know it's mean, but it works.  Whatever I have to do to get through the day.  I told daddy that I am fully aware we need to start your funds for therapy now because you all will definitely need it when you get older!  

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